Artificial Intelligence Leads You to the Path of Success


Artificial Intelligence Leads You to the Path of Success

High technologies, artificial intelligence automation and digitalization are part of our everyday life now. We are enormously dependent upon digitization today. Digitalization means exploring diverse platforms that utilize digital technologies, devices and techniques to provide several benefits in various aspects of life.

 The power of digital solutions can be assessed by the fact that it has the capacity to simplify a country’s security and intelligence systems, and play a pivotal role in the development of its economy and infrastructure. Not only do the digital solutions improve trade ties between different countries, but they also defend against malpractices such as embezzlement and money laundering.

For ordinary people, digitalization promises drastic improvement in both the public services, such as Government/Bank issued certificates, and other types of services, like financial. 

In today’s times, If you are inactive online, and do not move with the times and be mobile and client-oriented, then your business loses its sheen and may end up being a losing proposition. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the magic of a digitized 21st century. Artificial Intelligence implies the ability of machines or computer programs to learn, think, and reason, much like a human brain. Data and instructions are fed into An AI system. The AI system then draws its own conclusions and performs functions accordingly. The deep Artificial Intelligence is so advanced that it keeps learning human reasoning and logic with time, getting efficient while doing the task.

At present, Artificial Intelligence is everywhere and its presence can be seen in the auto-search on Google or driving cars. Artificial Intelligence is nothing short of a human brain with its comprehensive array of technologies and sensitivity. 

Conversations on AI is a Haptik initiative and brings together world's leading minds to exchange thoughts around the concept of AI. Here you find deep insights from industry leaders and key players throwing light on how to make Processes more efficient, forecasts more accurate, and convenient technologies more widely available than ever with the help of AI automated intelligence.

Advantages of Artificial Intelligence

The benefits of Artificial Intelligence can be seen in chat supports for brands, auto-search on search engines, smart predictions on eCommerce platforms, and a lot more. Let’s have a look at its several benefits:

 (1) Zero human error

The ability of artificial intelligence to have zero human errors has driven various domains to adopt it. It is natural to get accurate results, if you can remove human errors completely. Machines apply algorithm sets and take accurate decisions on the basis of the information they gather over a period of time. Thus, there is a reduction in error and a spike in accuracy.

(2) Zero risks

Artificial intelligence lets machines be there in tasks that can be a danger to humans. For instance, letting machines deal with natural calamity creates lesser pressure on humans and gives faster recovery like predicting the aftershock locations of an earthquake. AI system showed more accuracy in pointing out the  aftershock locations when pitted against traditional methods.

(3) Round-the-clock availability

Machines are devoid of human limitations like they can work endlessly without breaks and have no qualms in doing the same thing repeatedly.

Amazon Lex, the chat not designed for call centers by Amazon and Amazon Alexa incorporates the same technology of Artificial intelligence. Both recognize the caller’s intent, ask related follow-up questions, and provide answers. These chatbots are available round-the-clock catering to customers across the globe and varied timezones seamlessly.


The informative and astute writing available on Conversation throws ample light on the latest happening and prevalent requirements in the Artificial Intelligence industry.  Conversation is a platform available on Haptik in collaboration with Jio.














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